Sunday, August 30, 2015

365 Days a Co-op

Hi!  My name's Karen.  I'm a member of an Oakland California co-op named "Fantastia," and a passionate communal living agent provocateur!

My co-op recently passed its one year anniversary on June 1st, 2015.  We're also coming up on my one year anniversary at this wild place on October 1st!  There are so many things I want to explore and learn about co-op life, and I keep turning to the internet for ideas.  Alas, the internet appears woefully neglectful when it comes to helpful tips and guides to communal living, especially in urban areas, so I guess I'm just gonna have to step up and fill that void!

I LOVE my co-op.  I also really believe everyone should live in co-ops, at least for a while, and I hope to be carried out of my last co-op feet first.   At the very least, co-ops are a vastly preferable alternative to the modern idea of "roommates."  I've lived in spaces before where you don't share food or chores, and dealt with all of the unnecessary conflict that arises when you live with people in a setting that lacks planning and intention.  But more on that later ;)

I'd like to use this blog to document all the things I learn about living in co-ops as I go along, and as a place to collect resources for myself and other people about communal living.  But MOST of all, I want this blog to be a place where we can celebrate and revel in this fantastic way of living I call "co-op lyfe." ;)

I hope you have fun reading all about our adventures and misadventures!  Please comment often!

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